Hi and welcome back to our video blog,
Last week’s question to our viewers…”What food product would you use to depict a snowy landscape?” Is a window into our world when we are creating various food sculptures and is the type of question running through our minds as we peruse grocery store aisles. And we had some great answers which I’m happy to share with you before we get into today’s blog topic….powdered sugar and royal icing were 2 great possibilities submitted by Rod and Sally…and we agree! Obviously the powdered sugar makes for a beautiful representation of fluffy snow but the 2 of them together work really well because the royal icing has more body…so you can build up 3d forms like snowmen or hilltops with the royal icing and put the powdered sugar on top of it to give it that fresh fallen snow look;) Jim was posed with this challenge on an episode of the Foodnetwork show, “Holiday Wars” in 2016 where he and two other pastry chefs had to create Olaf the snowman character from the movie Frozen in 40 minutes. They chose to use watermelons, royal icing, and shredded coconut mounted on a base with wooden dowels. I’m going to have to go back and look…but I think they actually won that challenge!
In this weeks video blog Jim and I discuss creating portrait bust, something that we are asked to do quite a lot out of various food products. We share some of the basic materials and techniques you can use to get started making portrait busts too.
As always, we are interested to know if this information is useful to you in your own art endeavors. Please leave a comment and let us know what art projects you are working on!
Marie and Jim